And sometimes I tweet things like: "I dreamt I was a vampire partially made of LEGO ... It seemed to make sense in my dream. I hid in cupboards and jumped out at people. A-huh."
Yeah, I should probably should keep those tweets to myself.
Anyway, I say this because some of you may have seen that over the past few days a tweet that said I was going to go personally AWOL from Twitter ... I failed of course. Sometimes my inner Anthropologist chides me when I decide to "hold back" and I end up tweeting despite declarations like this. But, I digress.
I think most people have the measure of me and realise that I'm quite tongue-in-cheek, but I guess because of the nature of my new job I am slightly worried that some people *won't* realise this and it will cause all sorts of hoo-hah. So, this is my disclaimer that anything that comes from my blog or my Twitter account is my personal view, one not endorsed or championed by anyone else, and it really just reflects my own silly sense of humour, OK?
Right, glad that's sorted. Now, what was that I was tweeting earlier about getting waylaid by champagne tonight ... ;) x
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