Happy World Book Day!

This is just a quick post to wish everyone a happy World Book Day and to ask what everyone is reading at the moment? Given I threw down a read-off to Scarlett, I'm going to be devouring more books than ever before! :p You can keep an eye on her progress here and mine here, but let me know if you keep track of *your* reads! Happy reading!


  1. I am keeping track of my reading this year too over here: http://ifmusicbe.co.uk/bookworms

    I'm also not buying new books until i have read my shelves which is going to take me a while!

  2. I refuse to tell you because I don't want to give you any encouragement in the read-off! :P

    Okay then. I have several on the go, including Barack Obama's Dreams from my Father and Do You Want to Know a Secret? by Claudia Carroll.

    And - EVERY DAY should be Book Day! :D

  3. @ LizSara - I will keep an eye on your reads! And I (supossingly) second the not buying ... but sometimes it's just impossible to resist! :0) Thanks for stopping by!

    @ Scarlett - :p I have binge-read these past two days because I'm ill, I don't need *any* encouragement! :p But yes, what's with this annual celebration? Pfiut!
