F1: One-two, one-two!

I am *so* delighted at Brawn GP's one-two in Melbourne.

Congrats Rubes, Ross, and Jense (and the rest of the team)! :D


  1. Great start to the season, right?
    I don't watch any F1 any more... I feel like they messed with far too many of the rules to make it enjoyable any more.

  2. Brilliant! To be honest, I didn't catch any of it last year because I was so disheartened with Honda's performance, but I'm hoping this season will hook me back in and let Brawn GP have the success they richly deserve.

    You should give it another go! :0)

  3. I'm gutted though! Lewis has been stripped of his points and Trulli has been reawarded them.

    We watched the F1 and then watched the boat race! Oxford cheated they so should have lost!!!

  4. Oh, I watched F1 for 4 years but now...Now my mom is a greatest fan;)I like Jenson Button, he's great! I'm glad for him!

    p.s. thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, Elle!:)

  5. Glad you're a Jenson fan! :D
