The Book of Mormon review

I am a big fan of musicals and I'm also a big fan of South Park... When I heard that Matt Parker and Trey Stone had released a musical and it was coming to the West End, I knew I had to go and see it.

Luckily for me, Olly booked us tickets to go and see The Book or Mormon back in January... Yes, that's right: January. June was the earliest availability they had back then so it was a very pre-planned anniversary treat he arranged. (Saying that though, he had to book months in advance for last year's anniversary treat of Le Gavroche - can we go there again soon? Please!)

After five and a half months of waiting, earlier this week we finally got to go and see The Book or Mormon at the Prince of Wales Theatre. As you would fully expect from Parker and Stone, The Book of Mormon has lots of outlandish jibes in it and is incredibly un-PC. But, as always, their writing is set up so perfectly and cleverly that they get away with it; you will be clutching your side from laughing too hard, believe me!

The Book of Mormon is a delight, and I really fell in love with Elders Price and Cunningham. The score is amusing, the set is artfully done, and the sheer campness and outrageousness of it made me grin my head off. It also made me want to find out a bit more about the Mormons and their beliefs - I did study them a bit as part of the "Founding of the American West" unit in my GCSE History course, but I can barely remember anything as that was so long ago - and I like the fact that the Mormons don't seem to have reacted negatively to the musical. Instead, they have embraced it, even taking out advertising in the programme!

If you're a fan of Parker and Stone, as well as musicals, this is one you don't want to miss. Have you seen The Book or Mormon? If not, will you be seeing it? x

1 comment

  1. I'm generally not a fan of musicals but I would LOVE to see The Book of Mormon. Very jealous!
